Detailed Policy Information
Mt. Crescent reserves a no-refund policy for lift tickets, rentals, lessons, and season passes. By pre-purchasing these products, customers accept that opening and closing dates and length of season are 100% dependent on weather and are not guaranteed. Unused lift tickets, sledding tickets, lessons, and rental reservations are forfeited, nonrefundable, and nontransferable UNLESS Mt. Crescent announces a full-day closure of the ski area due to weather or other circumstances.
Lessons can be rescheduled one time (and any lift ticket or rental equipment associated with that lesson). Rescheduling a lesson requires a 24-hour advance notice by email to info@skicrescent.com.
Mt. Crescent holds the right to modify hours or close at any time due to weather or unfavorable conditions if it is deemed in the best interest for the safety and well-being of guests, staff, or operations.
The purchase of a lift ticket does not guarantee rentals will be available. Guests who pre-purchase rental equipment online will receive priority when they arrive.
Full Day Closure
In the event of a full-day closure announced by Mt. Crescent:
- Guests who pre-purchased lift tickets, sledding tickets, or rentals will receive an automatic refund.
- Guests who pre-purchased daily lessons will be contacted by email to reschedule. Guests unable to reschedule will receive a refund.
- Guests who are signed up for the Development Program lessons will receive an email with program extension details.
Pass Protection Program
*Please note – this is not an insurance product. If you are looking for an insurance product, please contact a licensed insurance broker.
At Mt Crescent, we look forward to each season of skiing and riding with our friends and family. With that said, there may be unforeseen circumstances that come up each year. For those unforeseen circumstances, accidents or life changes that could occur, Mt Crescent provides some protection for your season passes and Devo program in the form of the “Pass Protection Program”. The cost of enrollment in the Pass Protection Program is $25. There is no option to add the Pass Protection Program to your pass after you’ve purchased your Pass Product. The following information describes the benefits and provisions of the Pass Protection Program. You should read it with care so that you will understand your protection.
There are NO REFUNDS for any Pass Product without enrollment in the Pass Protection Program. THE PASS PROTECTION PROGRAM DOES NOT COVER ANY INTERRUPTION, SHUTDOWN OR SHORTENING OF SEASON LENGTH AT THE RESORT FOR ANY REASON, INCLUDING AS THE RESULT OF A PANDEMIC, OR POOR OR EXTREME WEATHER. Any Passholder that purchases a Pass Product from the Resort and pays the Pass Protection Program fee is eligible for protection under the Pass Protection Program.
- You must purchase an individual Pass Protection Program for each product you want covered by a Pass Protection Program.
- Pass Protection Program benefits will be effective immediately upon purchase.
- All coverage for Pass Products under the Pass Protection Program ends on the last day of that season’s winter operations at the Mt. Crescent.
- For Qualify Incidents that occur prior to the official start of the Resort’s winter season, the Resort will reimburse the full amount paid by Passholder for the Pass Product (excluding the cost of the Pass Protection Program and any credits and any credit card processing fees).
- For qualified claims that occur after the official start of the Mt. Crescent’s winter season, we will reimburse the Passholder for an amount equal to the number of days used, multiplied by $5 less the cost of the Pass Product ((Number of days used * $5) – Amount paid = “Refund Amount.”)
Qualifying Incidents:
- Injury or Sickness such that the Passholder can no longer ski or snowboard for the remainder of the season, or the death of a participating Passholder. For the Pass Protection Program: i) “Injury” means a bodily injury, caused by an accident and resulting directly and independently of all other causes, and which requires treatment by a Doctor; ii) “Sickness” means an illness, disease, or injury, which requires treatment by a Doctor; and iii) “Doctor” means a licensed medical practitioner, acting within the scope of his or her license, which person may not be the Reserving Guest, Family Member, or Traveling Companion.
- Injury or Sickness of the Passholder’s spouse, domestic partner, child, spouse’s child, domestic partner’s child, brother, sister, mother, father, grandparents, grandchild, stepbrother, stepsister, stepparents, or parents-in-law, which requires the Passholder become the primary care giver of that person, and which prevents the Passholder from using their Pass Product.
- Passholder is involuntarily terminated, laid off, or involuntary relocated by an employer-initiated decision (defined below). Passholder must have been an active employee for the same employer for at least one year prior to purchasing the Pass Product and the Pass Protection Program. Job separation must occur following the effective date of coverage. Coverage is not applicable to temporary employment, independent contractors, or self-employed persons. Relocation of Passholder’s primary residence must be at least 200 miles further in distance from Mt. Crescent via road than Passholder’s primary residence at time of purchase (as determined by a Google Maps search).
- Passholder is called to active military service, or military leave is revoked or reassigned.
- Passholder has a pregnancy, complication of pregnancy, or childbirth. Pregnancy, complication of pregnancy or childbirth must occur after the Passholder’s effective date of coverage. This is a qualifying event for the pregnant Passholder only – dependents of the Passholder do not qualify for reimbursement.
Exclusions from Coverage:
With respect to Pass Protection Program coverage, refunds are not payable in whole or in part for the following:
- The cost of the Pass Protection Program.
- Employee, Volunteer, Industry, Athlete, Trade Media, Complimentary and Donated Season Passes or Frequency Products.
- Vouchers, discounts or credits that are applied to the transaction when purchasing a Pass Product.
- Any other products, including but not limited to dated lift tickets, rentals, season long programs, and lessons, purchased at the same time as covered pass products.
A waiver must be e-signed by a parent or legal guardian for anyone under 18 years of age. Every guest must have a signed waiver before participating in any activity at Mt. Crescent Ski Area. The waiver can be added to your online account by clicking here: E-Waiver Link
Your Responsibility Code
- Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects.
- People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
- Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic.
- Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail.
- You must prevent runaway equipment.
- Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazard markings.
- Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
- You must know how and be able to load, ride and unload lifts safely. If you need assistance, ask the lift attendant.
- Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
- If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.
Winter sports involve risk of serious injury or death. Your knowledge, decisions and actions contribute to your safety and that of others. If you need help understanding the Code, please ask any ski area employee.
Mt. Crescent reserves a no-refund policy for tickets and season passes and cannot be held responsible for weather or snow conditions. Mt. Crescent holds the right to modify hours at any time. Please read our refund policy before making any purchase. Thank you!

17026 Snowhill Lane Honey Creek, IA 51542 | 712-227-0023