1-2-3 Learn to Ski & Snowboard

Learn to Ski or Snowboard for just $19!

An inexpensive introduction to skiing and snowboarding using our “Station Rotation” method of teaching. Our 3 stations will teach you the basic one, two, three’s of skiing or snowboarding!

Day: Weekdays and Weekends – Specific dates TBD
Time: Hourly Weekdays 5:00pm – 7:00pm and Weekends 10:00am – 2:00pm
Duration: Approx. 30min – 45min
Start Date: Opening Day
End Date: Closing Day
Cost: $19.00/Session
Age: 9yrs old minimum


Lift Tickets and Rental Equipment are not included

No Reservations are required for these lessons! Group lesson from 10am – 2pm.

What you'll be learning in the Beginner Ski lesson

Station 1

  • Putting skis on and off
  • Falling and getting up
  • Moving around on skis
  • Slow straight run

Station 2

  • Introduction to the Snowplow
  • Going down a gentle slope in a Snowplow
  • Adjusting speed by increasing/decreasing the Snowplow angle
  • Stop using the Snowplow

Station 3

  • Introduction to turns
  • Steering the Snowplow to change direction, adjusting weight and body position to create a turn
  • Attempt to make S shapes down the the gentle slope
  • Instructor closing statements and brief instructions on use of the lift

What you'll be learning in the Beginner Snowboard lesson

Station 1

  • Equipment review
  • Get bindings on and off
  • Skating around
  • Work on gliding
  • Gliding with toe and or heal drag

Station 2

  • Introduce side slipping
  • Side slipping on toes
  • Side slipping on heals
  • Proper body position is essential for success

Station 3

  • Explain getting off the lift
  • Work on one foot board slide
  • Proper body position
  • Hanging the heel over the edge for extra control
  • Instructor closing statement

Please note:

Mt. Crescent reserves a no-refund policy for tickets and season passes and cannot be held responsible for weather or snow conditions. Mt. Crescent holds the right to modify hours at any time. Please read our full Conditions of Use [link] before making any purchase. Thank you!